Key Capital acted as arranger and placement agent to Vintage II
Key Capital acted as arranger and placement agent to Vintage II
Key Capital acted as Arranger and Placement Agent on the acquisition by AXA Private Equity (NY) of a private equity portfolio from 3i, who remained as Investment Adviser to the transaction. Financing included a leverage facility provided by Lloyds Bank.
Vintage II is a Structured Private Equity Fund of Funds backed by a portfolio of US, European and Asian buyout funds diversified by Vintage and Managers.
3i Debt Management Limited is the Portfolio Adviser to Vintage II.
Vintage II utilized an unrated 4 year multi-currency revolving facility provided by Lloyds Banking Group. The transaction benefited from the transfer of an initial portfolio form the balance sheet of Mizuho Corporate Bank. In addition to the initial portfolio the fund has the capacity to make primary commitments of up to $80 million.